SJA Mission:

St. Jude's Academy aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wonderful Wednesday!

Inquiry into Language
The SK's practiced the formation and sound of the long i and silent e.  The students brainstormed and read words with long i and silent e on the board.  They also worked with partners to write and match pictures with words.

Here is the link to Mlle. Hou's blog:

Here is a link to Ms. Yustin's blog :  

The students continued our UOI on Seasons (Summer).  The SK's worked on a summer themed I Spy Game.  The students had to walk around the classroom to find the matching words with its corresponding picture and write it down.

Daily 5
The students were engaged in Literacy Centers with partners.

The SK's continued our unit in Geometry (3D shapes).  The students worked with partners with an activity sheet, to match 3D shapes with pictures of various items and recorded their observations on a chart.

-Thursday, May 30th-Spelling Test
-June 3rd-7th-Summative Presentations
-June 5th-Geometry Math test
-         Tuesday, June 11th – Water Day for the SK's (apply sunscreen before coming to school, wear a bathing suit under your casual clothes, bring a towel and a hat). J
-         Wednesday, June 12th – Year-End Play Day @ the dome
-         Friday, June 14th –Promotion Ceremonies (9-11am at the dome)

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