SJA Mission:

St. Jude's Academy aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Fantastic Friday!

We started our morning with an assembly for the Caring Award, congratulations to all the winners!  We also had a few students present their Show & Share for the blend sounds of the week.

Inquiry into Language
The SK's were focused on their spelling test for the month of March.

Here is the link to Mlle. Hou's blog:

Here is a link to Ms. Yustin's blog :

We continued our UOI on Community Helpers!  The students enjoyed learning about life guards with a video that focused on what their responsibilities are, how they help in the community and water safety.  The SK's worked with partners with an I Spy activity sheet, they had to circle people in the picture that were not following water safety rules.  The students also created life guard puppets using, paper bags, construction paper and crayons.

Daily 5
The students were engaged in Literacy Centers with partners today.

The SK's continued learning about Canadian money (coins).  Today the students reviewed the dime and quarter.  The students worked with partners on an activity sheet and using manipulative.

The students enjoyed music with Ms. McMillan.  Here is a link to her website to see what the students were up too:

  • March 28th-Casual Day
  • March 27th & 28th-Bake Sale
  • March 28th-Spring Fundraiser forms due
  • March 29th- Spelling test & Report Cards sent home
  • April 1st-5th-spring Fundraiser
  • April 3rd-In class Spelling Bee
  • April 4th-5th-Summative written in class
  • April 5th-Fire Fighter and truck visit

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