SJA Mission:

St. Jude's Academy aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Marvelous Monday!

We had a lot of fun dressing up in 80's era and neon clothing today!  I played an April Fool's joke on the SK's this morning, I convinced them that there was a rare bird called the Lirpaloof that only came out in April and ate carrots.  We were all outside calling for the bird!  The students enjoyed the joke!  We ended our day with a Spring Fundraiser assembly and found out which teacher got pied in the face!

Inquiry into Language
The SK's practiced the sound and formation of the blend sound er.  The SK's brainstormed and practiced reading er words on the board and discussing the meaning of each word.  The students practiced er in their printing booklets and had to classify "real" & "nonsense" words with an activity sheet.

Here is the link to Mlle. Hou's blog:

Here is a link to Ms. Yustin's blog :

We continued our UOI on Community Helpers!  We had a quick overview of what the expectations were for the up coming summative assignment.  We also brainstormed ideas for community helper topics.

Daily 5
The students were engaged in Literacy Centers with partners today and enjoyed  Library with Ms. Hayward.

The SK's continued learning about Canadian money (coins).  Today the students reviewed the value of a quarter and how quarters can also make up larger amounts, such as fifty, seventy five and one dollar.  The SK's worked in groups together and were engaged with a game using manipulatives and activity sheet.

  • April 1st-5th-spring Fundraiser
  • April 2nd-Autism Awareness Day (please bring in $2 and wear a blue shirt if you would like to support the cause).
  • April 3rd-In class Spelling Bee
  • April 4th-5th-Summative written in class
  • April 5th-Fire Fighter and truck visit
  • April 11th & 12th-Career Day (Summative Presentations)
  • April 12th-Money Math Test

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