SJA Mission:

St. Jude's Academy aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Happy Tuesday!

Hello SK parents! Sorry that I was away yesterday, I was feeling under the weather and did not have much of a voice! I was told by the supply teacher yesterday that the class did a great job listening.

Letters of the Week:
Hh & Bb

Words of the Week:

Show & Share for Thursday, November 8th:
*students are to bring in an item that begins with one of the letters of the week*

Inquiry into Language
The SK's practiced the sound and formation of the letter Hh. The students practiced their printing lower & upper case letter Hh with an activity sheet and had to colour the pictures that begin with the letter H in red.  Here is the link to the Jolly Phonics Letter Hh song:Jolly Phonics Letter Hh Song:

Ms. Yustin had the students engaged in a variety of gross motor and team building activities.

Mlle. Hou continued to teach the parts of the body vocabulary in French.

IB Profile
The IB Profile for the month of November is Thinker.  Today we brainstormed what it means to be a Thinker in the classroom.  The students also watched a video about a book titled Caps for Sale that touched on Thinker attributes.  The SK's shared their observations and practiced writing sentences in their Journals.

We finally had another chance to visit Mrs. Hayward and the Library today.  The students got to exchange their books and listened to a story read by Mrs. Hayward.

The students continued to review patterning skills to prepare for the test.  We worked on an activity sheet that focused on a variety of patterns that the students had to create.

-Pattern Math Test is on Thursday, November 8th.
-PD day is on Friday, November 9th, there is not school.
-Science Fair is on November 16th, parents may come to visit from 2:30 to 3:15 pm.

 Practicing our printing skills of the letter Hh
 colouring the pictures that begin with the letter H in red
 Learning more about the IB Profile Thinker for the month of Novmeber

 Printing sentences in our Journals

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