SJA Mission:

St. Jude's Academy aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Tremendous Thursday!

Letters of the week: t and p

Hello SK parents I hope to see you tonight at the Welcome BBQ from 4 to 5:30 pm.  I have sent an email to everyone regarding some important dates coming up, if you have not received it please let me know.

Inquiry into Language
The SK continued to practice the formation, sound and words that began with the letter p.  We listened and did the actions to the letter p Jolly Phonics song and worked an activity sheet.
Here is the link to the song:Jolly Phonics letter p

Ms. Yurin had the students engaged with a variety of gross motor activities.

Mlle. Hou continued to teach the students counting in French from 1 to 30.

Unit of Inquiry
We combined our Journal writing with our UOI today.  We reviewed as a class, the many things we eat and drink that are made from milk.  Each student had to choose 3 words and draw a picture, some students wanted to challenge themselves and print more than 3 words.

Mr. Flower's had the students participate in a variety of songs and continued to teach them simple music notes.

Daily 5
The students practiced reading to each other with books of their choice.

The SK's were engaged with an activity that focused on representing numbers from 10 to 20 in different arrangements, using counters and  in their Math books.

 Working on printing in our Journals

 We reviewed the many things we eat and drink that come from milk
 Armaan and Finley are the Weather Boy & Girl for today!
Letter p printing practice
 Representing number from 10 to 20 in different ways

It was Vivahn's birthday yesterday!

-Welcome Back BBQ is on Thursday, September 20th, from 4-5:30 pm.  Everyone is welcomed to the BBQ.
-Terry For Run will take place September 28th, the whole school will participate.  Forms and donations are due September 26th.
-Chudleigh's Apple Farm trip will take place October 15th.  Trip forms are to be sent in by September 28th.  We need at least 3 parent volunteer for the trip, if you are interested please contact me.
-Uniform shoes: black shoes are to be worn with all navy socks and gym shoes are to be worn with all white socks.
-International Day is on October 4th.  If there are any parents that would like to volunteer, please let me know.

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