Hello SK families, we made it to the halfway point of the week! Here is a link to one of our favourite stories that I would read to the class:
The Monster at the End of This Book
Great job everyone!
Morning Routine:
Calendar – Students will read the morning message, students will learn about the months of the year, days of the week, season, weather.
Weather song:
Inquiry into Language:
Inquiry into Language:
Learning goal: students will learn the sound, action and song for the blend URE.
Students will
brainstorm a list of URE words.
Students will
practice the blend sound URE with online activity: https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/list-7412.htm
Criteria - I can identify and print the blend sound URE. Gym:
Today Ms. V has something very special for you to do for PE! I have created my very own workout video on YouTube for all of you to follow along with. Make sure you have your water bottle, maybe a yoga mat or blanket to kneel on for certain exercises. You can repeat this workout as many times as you'd like, but make sure you drink lots of water to replenish your body!
We will be working on our cardio, leg muscles, arm muscles and our core (tummy) muscles.
Are you ready!?!?
link: http://youtu.be/jaGPih5WROM
link: http://youtu.be/jaGPih5WROM
Inquiry into Math:
Learning goal:
Students will explore the dime and count by 10’s
1.1. Review with students how to count by 10’s,
watch the count by 10’s song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7stosHbZZZg
1. 2. Students will
practice with online game: https://ca.ixl.com/math/kindergarten/count-money-nickels-only
2. -3. Students will work on a worksheet: https://www.math-aids.com/cgi/pdf_viewer.cgi?script_name=money_coins_canadian.pl&dime=10&max_coin=7&language=0&memo=Dime+Worksheet&x=158&y=17
criteria: I show my understanding of the name, value and characteristics of a
Unit of Inquiry:
Learning goal: students will further develop
their knowledge about community helpers (Hair stylist).
2. 2. Students will
work on a sentence writing activity and draw a picture of their experiences
going to the hair stylist in their Journals (“I liked going to the hair stylist
Success Criteria: Students will understand the role of
a hair stylist in the community.
I loved seeing the pictures of the musical instruments that you made at home! Today for music class we will begin by:
1. Clapping Food Rhythms. For example, clap "ta, ta" and say "Ice cream" and clap,"ta, titi" and say "hamburger." The last row of rhythms clap "tika tika ti ti" and say "pepperoni pizza". Next class I will send you a video where you can watch me clap these rhythms and you can clap with me!
2. Practice singing along to your favourite "Frozen 2" songs or "Disney" songs, or a song of your choice with the new instrument that you made. Have fun keeping in time to the music.
3. With chalk go outside and draw some of the following rhythms on the sidewalk or driveway. Have fun! If you do not have chalk you can practice drawing your rhythms on paper with crayon or marker, or make your music notes with playdough.
Next music class you will be able to sing along to my you tube video for you to sing some of your favorite songs with me at home!
1. Clapping Food Rhythms. For example, clap "ta, ta" and say "Ice cream" and clap,"ta, titi" and say "hamburger." The last row of rhythms clap "tika tika ti ti" and say "pepperoni pizza". Next class I will send you a video where you can watch me clap these rhythms and you can clap with me!
3. With chalk go outside and draw some of the following rhythms on the sidewalk or driveway. Have fun! If you do not have chalk you can practice drawing your rhythms on paper with crayon or marker, or make your music notes with playdough.
Next music class you will be able to sing along to my you tube video for you to sing some of your favorite songs with me at home!
Students will review the spring vocabulary from my previous video.
They will complete the following vocabularty work sheet. Please click on the link below:
After completing the activity, students can watch and learn this very simple French song called "Il pleut", which is related to our spring theme.
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