SJA Mission:

St. Jude's Academy aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Fantastic Friday!

We started our day with our Terry Fox Run! The students did a great job staying active for 30 mins and raised a lot of money for a great cause.  Thank you everyone for your donations!  We also had our first Show & Share presentations, the students presented items that began with the letters of the week (S & A).

The students enjoyed their first Library time with Ms. Hayward in the school Library.  We also listened to a read a loud story from Ms. Carm that taught the students about mindfulness and strategies we can use to help us deal with our feelings.

Unit of Inquiry
The students worked on sentence writing in their journals, they had to copy a sentence on the board and complete it (My favourite farm animal is ___________).  The students reviewed the different farm animals we learned about this week.

The SK's worked in groups using manipulatives and five frame mats to show their understanding of numbers from 5 to 10 and an activity sheet.

Please see Ms. V's teacher blog.

Please see Ms. Hou's teacher blog.

  • Thursday, September 19 - Welcome BBQ 
  • September 20-27 - Fall Fundraiser begins!
  • September 24 and 25 - Bake Sale by Haag & Padovan – Peanut & Nut-Free Products only!
  • Wednesday, September 25 - Casual Day
  • Monday, September 30
    • Orange Shirt Day
    • September spelling test

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