SJA Mission:

St. Jude's Academy aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Anit-bullying Day!

We started our morning with a school assembly for Anti-bullying Day.  We watched an informative video and participated in an anti-bullying activity where each student got to write down a positive message on a pink shirt sheet.

Inquiry into Language
The SK's practiced their writing skills with an anti-bullying activity, students had to write positive sentences about how to be a "buddy" to their peers.  They also worked on a "bully" or "buddy" sorting activity.

Here is the link to Mlle. Hou's blog:

Here is a link to Ms. Yustin's blog :

We continued our UOI on Community Helpers!  The students listened to a read aloud that introduced the students about how police officers help within the community.  The students also worked on a reading and search activity, they had to read a paragraph that focuses on the role of a police officer.  Students read the paragraph and had to find the words on the word cards in the story.

Daily 5
The students enjoyed reading with the grade 4 students and Library time with Mrs. Hayward.

The SK's continued learning more about place value (ones and tens). The students wanted another place value challenge!  The students worked in groups again to show different values of ones and tens using snap cubes.

-Spring fundraiser:
March 4th-PJ day
March 5th-Super hero/Princess day
March 6th-Wacky Wednesday
March 7th-Sports day
March 8th-St. Patrick's day (wear green)
-March Break is from the 11th to 22nd.

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