SJA Mission:

St. Jude's Academy aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Fantastic Friday!

I am finishing up report cards, it will be sent home with Language & Math graphs next week Friday, November 30th.  We did not get a chance to have Library today, Mrs. Hayward filled in for Mrs. Gray today.  The students also did a great job presenting their Show & Share for the letter Ll and blend ll.

Inquiry into Language
The SK's practiced the sound and formation of blend ll words.  The students worked on an activity sheet with partners and also practiced sentence writing.  Here is the link to the Jolly Phonics Letter Ll song:Jolly Phonics Letter Ll Song:

Ms. Yustin had the students begin a new unit today, they enjoyed exploring gymnastics!

Mlle. Hou taught the students the five senses vocabulary in French.  Her is the link to her website:

We continued our Space unit and focused our learning on astronauts.  Today the students watched a video that taught them more about the specific roles and responsibilities of an astronaut.  The SK's also continued working on their astronaut art activity.

Daily 5
The SK's enjoyed their weekly Reading Buddies with the grade 4 students.

The students continued our new Math unit with Data Management.  The students were engaged with a tally and graphing activity.  The SK's worked in partners and worked on an another Christmas themed activity sheet.

-Data Management Test is on Wednesday, November 28th.
-Spelling test for the month of November will be on Friday, November 30th.
-Report Cards will be going home on Friday, November 30th.

 SK's Soaring Through Space!
 doll and ball for the blend sound ll
 a lion for the letter Ll
 a bag of items that begin with the letter Ll

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