SJA Mission:

St. Jude's Academy aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Terrific Tuesday!

Hello SK parents! I have placed some extra Math homework in each child's agenda, to practice one/two more and one/more less.  feel free to use it and work on it with you child at home during the weekend.  We had a busy day, here is what we did today:

Inquiry into Language
The SK's were engaged with a matching short a word game and practiced the sound with the Jolly Phonics song.  We worked on our printing skills  ( upper, lower case and short words) in our printing booklets.  The SK's also discussed what it means to be an Inquirer and watched a video called George and the Puppies.  The students shared their ideas of how George, the main character demonstrated examples of an inquirer and they wrote it down on an activity sheet.

Ms. Yurin was away today, so Ms. Bancud was in for her.

Mlle. Hou continued to teach the students about the months of the year in French.

Unit of Inquiry
To prepare for our pancake cooking activity tomorrow, we discussed and reviewed how pancakes are made, what it is made of and where do the ingredients come from.  The students made a booklet to help them remember for tomorrow.

Daily 5
The students enjoyed our weekly reading buddies with Ms. Arandia's grade 4 class.

We worked on investigating number meanings using five frame.  The SK's engaged using manipulative and working in their math books.

-On Friday, September 14th, we are making pancakes as part of our UOI.  Pancakes will be peanut free, if you would not like your child to have syrup on their pancakes please let me know.
-If you have not already, please return and sign forms: City Church consent, Parent/Student Handbook, Sibling Pick up and After school.
-Welcome Back BBQ is on Thursday, September 20th, from 4-5:30 pm.  Please send in forms and cash by September 14th.
-All parents must sign their child up for Kinderlime.

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