Inquiry into Language
The students reviewed the formation and sound of the blend AI. The SK's worked with partners to sound out and match AI words to complete each sentence with a writing activity.
Inquiry into Math
The students continued learning more about Time! We brainstormed what we already know about Time, such as what does it mean to us? How does it help us in our daily lives? What is it? The students explore the mini clocks and worked with partners to complete a Time activity sheet.
Unit of Inquiry
We continued to learn more about Community Helpers! The students listen to a read aloud about Community Helpers and worked with partners to complete a cutting and pasting classifying activity.
Please visit Ms. V's teacher blog.
Please see Mrs. McMillan's teacher blog.
Please visit Mlle. Jessica's teacher blog.

- Febuary 10th-Year a Head Day! (The SK students will visit one of the grade 1 classes for the day).
- February 13th-100th Day of School & Spirit Day (students may dress in Valentine's Day colours/theme)
- February 14th-Valentine's Day & PD Day (No school).
- February 17th- Family Day & No school
- February 25th-Casual Day
- February 26th-Spelling Test & Pink Shirt Day
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